3. Saptarshi
parveen talha's board
questions i was asked....
1>do u support the killing of street dogs and why?
2>whats ur academic background?why do u want 2 join the civil services?dont u think u'll waste ur knowledge?
3>which part of tea is plucked?what do u know about tea processing?
4>from ur studies in school level only can u tell the results of world war 2?
5>wats "struggle for existence" how do u justify your statement that animalsshould be protected not killed as we are the most superior and the inferior animals thus have failed in the struggle.
6>wats ur mental state after india's early exit frm the world cup?
7>dont u think harbhajan singh should retire?
8>when did india win the last gold in football in asian games?
9>wats d capital of canada?
10>wats ur daily routine?why do u sleep so much?
11>which tv programmes u like and why?
12>what is a "song"?
13>whats is the function of EU?
14>why do u eat fish or chicken when u r yourself against killing of animals?
15>why did u go 4 veterinary sciences in your academics?
16>after completion of education what did u do in the last 3 years?
17>wat should b our reaction to the indian cricket team......
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