my IAS interview as on april11th 2009
My 2nd interview for the civil s main 2008..held as on 11th April morning session allotted for the KK Paul s board. a bit tough indeed and most of the things being the fact based, which remained unanswered by me...the process s like this. prior to this I have submitted 2 colored photographs of poor quality wearing a Red Color T shirt, as being thought by me for the un official purposes without being taken into the board room.(the photos that i have submitted in the UPSC central hall to the boy over there...not the one which has been pasted over the Mains Form) so please be a bit careful about the kind of passport photographs that u does submit them..
the process s like this where I have been enumerating it in a proper manner...let us take the chair man KK Paul as C and the rest of others sitting besides to him as M1,M2,M3,M4..a round table room ,a bit congested indeed .no enough space to walk right from the door.. called into the room around
Me: may I come in sir
C : yes , come in and please have your seat
Me: just moved around the table and wished them "Good Morning Sir."
bowing my head as usually.
C: tell me your name roll number and the date of birth
Me: sir , my name s Andra Vamsi and the roll number s 087661 , followed by the date of birth 13th august 1985
C: vamsi what s wrong with your photograph? it seems that you have taken the photograph after playing a holi
Then he started laughing at me and making fun of me by showing the photograph to all the members. then started the struggle of being apprehensive and quick all the time in the board
Me: no sir it s nothing like that I haven’t taken it after playing the holi
C: why it s like that?
Me: I don’t know about it sir. Hope It s fine
C: you are a computer science engineer
Me : yes sir
C: tell me about fuzzy logic
Me: I don’t know sir after taking a pause for few seconds
C: you belong to CSE have n’t u read it?
Me: yes sir , but I’m no t able to recollect it rite now
C: tell me about the peltier effect,. hope you have studied this also
Me: I don’t know sir
C: you have been recruited to the IRS Income tax, which batch does u belong to?
Me: sir I belong to 62nd batch of IRS.
C: which year you have been recruited…?
Me: I belong to 2207 civil services exam recruitment…
C: so for the past 2 years you have been working
Me: no sir its for the past 3 months that I have been undergoing for the IRS training
In the mean time the M4 has said that he has been into the service during the year 2008 and skipped the foundation course,,,
C: you play cricket or watch cricket (because it s a part of my games activities)
Me: I play and watch the cricket
C: which department are you well versed in the cricket ?
Me: I’m a left hand fast bowler sir
C: tell me few left handed bowlers that u does know?
Me: sir we have got many people ..some of them are wasim akram, waqar younis, zaheer khan and irfan pathan
M1:is waqar a left handed bowler
Me: a bit confused myself and again said it as the left hander only
C: you use the left hand and probably a left hander for all the time
Me: no sir I write with right hand and most of the things I’ll do with the left hand
C: so it s a cultivated habit that u have got?
Me: yes sir
C: tell me few cricketers who got the same kind of this cultivated habits
Me: sir , I don’t know
C: what s the importance of your birthday?
Me: it s the day of international left hander s all over the world
C: your optional s are anthropology and the public administration, tell me about ongese
Me: thought of telling ,but tried to avoid because of the further expected questions over this and finally I said don’t know instead of taking a guess
C :do you know the shompenes
Me: I don’t know
Then he directed me towards the M1
M1: why did you choose anthropology as your optional?
Me: sir it s because of 2 reasons, the first being the availability of enough coaching centre s and the material in Hyderabad and the 2nd being of the reason that it does provide me an overview about the socio ,economic ,political, cultural and other insights of the mankind which are very useful in the successful administration
M1:this s formulated by the britishers and do you still want to take the colonial thing…I think that its of no relevance today
Me :definitely not sir. .even though it traces it s origin to the colonial legacy , the existence of the anthrop s still relevant today for the effective implementation of the public policy
M1:you do want to continue to segregate the people on racial line like the colonial mindset
Me: not at all sir but what all I need is to understand all the settings I mean social, economic and the political aspects so that it serves as an effective interface for the people and the system to ensure a better policy framing and its successful implementation
C: what do you know about the word POSH?
Me: sir posh s some thing which means highly stylish and civilized
C: every one does know that ..tell me or define me about the word Posh
Me: sir as far as to my knowledge s concerned it s more stylish and better civilized with a better refinement in the behavior and the effective use of the technology by the people. more over it s nothing but to be stylish enough and more fashionable, and something highly concentrated towards the urban areas
C:what are the origins of the word posh?
Me: i don't know sir
M1: do you know the anthropologist Elvin?
Me: they even spelled the word for me and I don’t want to land into troubles by saying yes and expect further questions on him. finally said it as don’t know sir
M1:what s meant by anthropometry?
Me: sir it deals with the measurement aspects of the mankind in different socioeconomic and the political aspects
M1:what about the physical aspects?
Me: yes sir that s what it does and applies it to various settings
M1:then again you want to segregate the people on the racial lines
Me: no sir I want to have an ease over the administration by having an adequate knowledge over this things of the people…using this we can identify many people belonging to various regions in
M1:so you feel that it s still relevant ?
Me: yes sir definitely in the implementation of the public policies according to the popular mind sets and also for a better citizen –administrative interface and moreover for the all
M1:what do you mean by nasal index?
Me: it deals with the measurement of the nose
C: every one does know that, tell me something new?
Me: sir I don’t the technical formula of that sir rite now and not able to recollect it
Then he directed his hand to the M2
M2:do you watch telugu films?
Me: yes sir
M2:do you know mrinal sen?
Me: I don’t know sir
M2:he got a national award for the best director.don’t you know him?
Me: I don’t know sir
M2:to which category of direction he won the national award?
Me: I don’t know sir
M2:he directed only one telugu movie. do you know that?
Me: I don’t know sir
M2: have u ever heard of the movie Oka Oori Kadhaa in telugu?
Me: no ,sir
M2:it s directed by him
Me:k sir
M2:do you know director premchand?
Me: I don’t know sir
M2:do you know satyajith ray?
Me: yes sir I does know him
M2:what are green house gases?
Me: sir some of them are the co2, so2,n2o…they aid the green house effect which in turn leads to the global warming.(interrupts in the middle)
M2:what s the green house effect?
Me: sir when the cosmic rays e.g. .IR,UV and some others etc.. enters into the earth s atmosphere some of these gases react with the chemical compositions present in the upper layers of the atmosphere and will get the ray entrapped due to the difference created within the wave lengths and keeps them with in the earth s atmospheric without being retreated them out of the earth. .these gases in turn aid them to warm the earth s other layers which in turn leads to the global warming..
M2: what are it s effects?
Me: it leads to climatic fluctuations and in turn leads to invariable monsoons leading to drought and floods.. majorly the melting of the global ice and rise in the sea levels
M2: how does it impact the food security?
Me: it may lead to the decline in the production due to the invariability of the monsoons and also its un predicted ness lead to un healthy production.
M2:do you think that
Me: sir we have got comfortable levels but a little amount of deficit s also there for which we have been importing so as to maintain some buffer stocks
M2:so you say that there s a deficit production in the country?
Me: a little amount of deficit s still there. we also have to build enough reserves or the buffers for the future needs or to contain the adverse situations
M2:what are the major food crops that we are importing?
Me: sir the first one s wheat an amount of 13 million tones this year. And also rice too at the same time
M2:what s the wheat production this year?
Me: sir it s 78 million tones this year
M2:what s the household rating for the availability of the food grains?
Me: sir still there s a need to improve the availability of the food security ..
M2:why do you say like that we have got enough food production, maintaining so many buffer stocks .do u think that the PDS s not doing well what are the major reasons for its failure?
Me: sir we failed to identify the prime beneficiaries of the PDS which s a major drawback ,still there s enough scope to contain the black marketing and the hoarding activities..
M2:what do you know about Azlam shah?
Me: I don’t know
M2:a sport has been named after him ,do you know that?
Me :I don’t know sir
Then the turn s for the M3 ..In the mean time the chairman
C: be a bit louder ,we are not able to hear you
Me: yes sir
M3:vamsi do you think that tax s only for the revenue motive or is there any other thing concerned with the tax?
Me: sir primarily tax s for generating and augmenting the revenue ,,it s also some time s used to avoid certain adverse situation s like inflation and also to raise the level of exports and the trade the state may cut it down ,I mean the export duty , to improve the imports it may reduce or decrease at the same time with in the national interest …the best example s to raise the food security in terms of the imports and build up the buffers. there fore it does depend upon the national interest whether to raise the tax in the motto of public benefit whether to contain it or to raise it…the prime motto s to augment the revenue…
M3:what s the difference between the customs duty and the excise duty. both are duties only …what s the differences amongst them?
Me: sir both are indirect taxes only. but customs duty s one thing levied on the international things especially on the imports and the excise duty s with in the national perspective that s levied on the outlet of the produced good from the factories..
M3:what s the specialty of the excise duty?
Me: sir its levied on the manufacturer and here there s an onus on the part of the producer to pay the tax rather than the consumer paying the tax…its an indirect means of levying the tax on the income of the producer…moreover it s also applicable to the states..
M3:do you know WTO?
Me: yes sir it s a multilevel trade institution that provides a free trade agreement amongst all the nations signatory to it so as to promote the free flow of good s and the services and also to enforce the process of the globalization..
Me: yes sir
M3:when did
Me: in the year 1991
M3:how many countries are their in the WTO?
Me: I don’t know sir
M3:what s the specialty of the WTO?
Me: sir it provides a common platform for the trade of goods and services amongst all the nations and try to ensure equitable trade with in the nations internationally and at the same time it tries to avoid the regional trading blocks
M3:we have got many regional trading blacks for which
Me: sir it all depends upon my nation s interest to secure the immense trade benefits to the people. if I do think that this has got a leverage to improve the trade growth and the economic growth at the very best then I can prefer both the things..
M3:tell me few regional trade agreements for which
Me: sir we have got a PTA with the
M3:what s the difference between the PTA and the FTA?
Me: sir it varies according to the degree of openness to the trade and the free flow of good s and the services ,PTA s degree of flow s comparatively less to that of the FTA…FTA provides for the nullification of the import and the export duties ,elimination of the quantitative restrictions and ensure the free flow of the trade …these things cannot be changed overnight but they are realized progressively. how ever in the case of PTA these things are missing and the trade s limited to the selective or preferred good s and the services.
Then he directed his hand towards the M4
M4:what s the
Me: sir it corresponds to a land dispute between two sects of people the jews and the Palestinians for the effective control and rights over the holy land of the
M4:when was
Me: sir I don’t remember the year in which it was formed but it was formed after second world war due to the exodus of the Jews …previously a minor amount of jews are also living in that place
M4:that s all?
Me: the problem s the increased violence between the Jews and the Palestinians and the launch of rocket launching attack s by the Gaza strip people into the Israel territories…also it s about the failure to arrive at the 2 state solution ,the Annapolis conference witnesses a major failure in the year 2007 and also the factions with in the westbank named fatah headed by the mohammad abbas and the Gaza based hamas headed by ismael haniyeh
M4:when was rashtrapathi bhavan built..i hope u know where the rashtrapathi bahavn is?
Me: I don’t know sir
M4:what is it previously called?
Me: sir its called as vice regal lodge
M4:what the peculiarity of the Swiss bank?
Me: sir recently it was in the news the account name of the holder will not be revealed and that has provided the enough scope for the people to deposit the money whether it s black or white, legal or illegal with their identities not being disclosed to the other s ..
M4:it s an issue since many years?
Me: but the impact of its secrecy s very much felt during this recession days because of the squeeze in liquidity…that has led to bankruptcy of many other things and also the availability of credit s low due to excessive deposits in the Swiss bank that has been procured through the false means
M4:do u know when was UPSC formed…?
Me: sir it has been existing before the independence and formed as Federal Public Service Commission according to the Govt of India Act 1935.after independence it has been named as Union Public Service Commission..
C:thank you you may go
Me:thanks a lot sir
This all the things that I have memorized, lasted for 30 minutes and the conversation s very fast indeed…will update the other things if I recollect them in the mean time
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