Sunday, May 10, 2009

IAS 2006 Interview Transcripts #7

7. Kumar Saurav

New Delhi

air marshal inamdar's board
1) who is don bosco

2)after iit why civil services

3)what is the role of market vis a vis state in india today

4)basic problems of indian economy?

5)difference between social security net and social welfare.

6)what is transgenics. give some example. what is DNA. explain

7)what is the relation between economic growth and inflation.

8)what is sustainable development. give some examples where we fail to have sustainable development.

9) sustainable cities.

10)who said "we are borrowing from future generation. we have not inherited from previous generation"

11) what is migration, emigration, transmigration, tranfat

12) if kashmir problem is solved, will there be peace between india and pakistan

13)what is the meaning of your name.

14) any suggesstions for improving civil services examination.

thank you, your interview is over.

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