Sunday, May 10, 2009

IAS 2007 Interview Transcripts #2



My interview was on 17 april 2008 in morning session

Board was of Parveen Talha madam

I entered about 12:05 minute

I wish them all (good morning)

PTalha says Good afternoon

I said in reply- good afternoon madam

PT: So you had studied in Ram Manohar Lohia Awadh University

Me:Mam I had done my graduation from KNIT Sultanpur and degree of engg. is given by RML Awadh university Faizabad.

PT:So what do u know about him?

Me:Madam he is one of the foremost socialist leader of our country

PT:No he was. What else you know about him?

Me:Madam he had participated in the freedom struggle and is one of the most active member during 1942 quite India movement

PT:What else?

Me:He is the champion of social harmony and for increase in social cohesion he had given slogan ‘roti and beti’

PT:What r u talking about !!!!@#$% I had never heard about such a slogan(all other members joined her in chorus ). Ok even then tell me about what he was meant with such a slogan?

Me:Madam from roti he means people from all social group eat together and from beti he means people should promote and get involved in inter-caste marriage

PT: why he used beti and not beta?

Me:(after thinking for a while)I have no idea madam

PT: there is a leader who is a follower and friend of RML who participated actively during emergency. What was his name?

Me:Shri. Jai prakash narayan

PT:Who else?

Me:Shri chandrashekhar

PT:And who else?

Me:Madam I am not able to recall

PT:Ok tell me when capital of awadh transfers from faizabad to lucknow?

Me:Madam I am not able to recall

PT:You belongs to both the places and u don’t know .

Ok tell me something about asafi imambada.

Me:(I have doubt about it since she had shaken my confidence in RML) I said madam

I am not much sure about it

{and the hell was broke out in the board room}

PT:You must go and watch bada imambara . you r living in lucknow and u don’t know about it .(in between member 4 and member 3 got in a debate whether I belongs to lucknow or faizabad , she get annoyed with both of them and asked them to keep quite .)

Then she turned her wrath on me and condemned me for lack of my knowledge about lucknow.

After that she shows that she become disinterested in me and pass the batton to first member

He said tell me about “judicial activism”?

Me:It is the instrument used by judiciary in order to protect the rule of constitution in india and in the process of doing so it some times assumes the role of other two branches of the govt.?

M1:What is the instrument of J A ?


M1:Tell me why people are supporting it and why they are against JA?

Me:Judiciary , executive and legislature are the organs of govt. in India , and on them lie the foundation of our constitution ,if due to some reasons other organ become weak and is not able to perform their duty then judiciary must intervene in order to protect the sovereignty of the constitution .

Since it dilutes the separation of powers between three organs , therefore people sometimes opposes it

M1:Can you give me any instance when judiciary get support from all corners of country?

Me:Sir , when the pollution in Delhi became unbearable then , on the PIL of an NGO SC took initiative and because of her initiative the CNG system become a possibility in mass transport of Delhi .and SC get applause from all walk of life.

M1:Ok any instance when people are against it?

Me:Sir , I am not able to recall it.

M1:Some time ago a very important Parliamentarian was very critical of role of judicial activism of Judiciary?

Me:Sir speaker of Loksabha mr. somnath chatterjee.

M1:What was his contention.?

Me:Sir he said that it will dilute the separation of power between the 3 organs .

M1:He had said some thing specifically.what was it?

Me:Sir I don’t know

2nd member transfers the interview to 3rd member .

M2:Ok mr. Manish your hobby is reading war novels and literature related to war .what you had read.

Me:Sir I had read somnath , the lightning campaign:1971 war……………

M2:Ok what happened in 1971 war ?

Me:India was compel too join the war because of increasing problem of bangladeshi refugees

And we won the war in twelve days.

M2:Ok , why this happened . on the other part of the world USA was defeated by Vietnam after years of years of war , and we had done it in 12 days .are we more stronger then USA ?

Me:Sir it is because of the support we got from local people and due to the caliber of our armed forces .

M2:didyou had read war and peace ?

Me:no sir

M2:but you must know the name of the author this is avery famous book.

Me:yes sir leo tolystoy.

M2:Your first service preference is ….?

Me:Sir IAS.

M2:Ok this hobby will help you in your carreer for IAS . tell me which present Internatioanal event attracts you most and why?

I was thinking for a while ….

M2:He said again…… any thing that is not happening in our country?

Me:I said sir advent of democracy in Pakistan.

M2:What impact will it have on us??

Me:Sir , India always wants stable and democratic regime in its neighbourhood and a democratically elected govt. in Pakistan is always good for India.

M2:OK but what will happen to our Kashmir problem.

Me:Sir , democratically elected representatives will represents the will of the people of Pakistan and I am sure that people of Pakistan also wants good and peaceful relation with us ,as we the people in India wants here in India , so democratically elected Govt. in Pakistan is always better for India then military regime.

M2:You had organized recreational camp for children suffering from Haemophilia.

When?where?how?and why?you had done this.

Me:Sir we had organized this camp…

He interrupted in between and asked ‘we’ means…?your college!

Me:Yes, sir we in our college organized this camp in the winter vacation of 2001 in our college at the ini

Me:Yes, sir we in our college organized this camp in the winter vacation of 2001 in our college at the initiative of one of our teacher in civil department …

He again interrupted and asked ..

What is your role ?

Me:Sir I had organized accommodation ,fooding and playing activities of the children.

He then transfer the interview to third member

He asked me (he looks like a psychologist to me since he is sitting with a pencil and copy) what else you had read …?

Me:Sir , 3 country one people , a book on 1971 war’s POWs in Pakistan jail

He interrupted and said I was thinking that you had read book like Himalayan blunder.

Me:Sir ,I had tried to get a copy of it. But didn’t get the success.

M3:Ok , can you give me the name of the person who said that RML is his mentor.

Me:Sir ,I am not much sure about the name.

M3:Still , make a guess?

Me:Sir , mr. mulayam singh Yadav.

M3:Ok ..!you had done mechanical engg.. tell me what do you understand by geo- synchronous satellite?

Me:Sir it is the satellite which revolves around the earth in such a way that it always seems stagnant above a single point on the earth’s surface.

M3:Is moon a geosynchronous satellite?

Me:Sir , I am not much sure about it .

M3:Ok , take a ball draw a triangle over it . is the sum of the angle of triangle will be 180 degree?

Me:sir , sum of inner angle of triangle will be always 180.

M4:No you didn’t understand..he means if you draw a triangle over a ball what is the sum of the angle?(last member said)

Me:I said , I am sorry sir . i cannot say?

He then transfer the interview to last member ?

M4:You play which game?

Me:I said cricket.

M4:What you do bowling or batting.


M4:Fast or slow?

Me:Sir medium pace?

M4:Do you know what is teeesra?

Me:I said I don’t knowi

M4:What is dooosra ?

Me:It is a ball that an of spinner balls with an action of off spin but ball actually spins away from the right handed batsman

M4:What is haemophilia ?

Me:It is a blood related disorder mainly in male child


Me:yes sir MAINLY.

M4:How does it occurs?

Me:It is a genetic disease that is linked with sex chromosomes .

M4:What happens in haemophilia ?

Me:A person if get hurt , due to absence of clotting factor bleedin does not stop.

M4:What is the cure?

Me:Sir prevention is the best cure but if bleeding does not stop then person must take intravenous clotting factor injection.

M4:Can you name any other disease in which we wants clotting not to occur ?

Me:Sir in patients of heart attack .

M4:What is the cure ?

Me:Reduction of the cholesterol level in the blood.

M4:What else?

Me:Sir we can give anacin .


Me:Yes sir anacin.

M4:Ok ! you can give him or her any aspirin. You are right.

Ok .

He looks at the madam.

Madam look at me .and said thank you .

I said thank you madam.

And while I was coming out of door my foot was stuck in the door with a sound.

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