Sunday, May 10, 2009

IAS 2007 Interview Transcripts #7



hi guys..i had my interview on 2nd Chalam's board..largely biodata based interview...a few questions.

y CRPF (joinin as asst commdt.)?..role of CRPF...y not BSF or give a justification for sum1 who wishes to join CISF..same for a guy who prefers BSF..

what is "law" and wat is "order"

diff between extremist and militant.

y is the scorin pattern in tennis...0,15,30,40...wat is "luv" y is it called so? explain "bye".

tell me in detail abt project Tiger.

have u heard abt "dodo" ( thankfully i knew it...its a flightless bird which became extinct).

extinction of "dodo" has not affected us..y the hue and cry over any species' extinction..e.g tiger...more probing questions followed based on my response..

problems of select the most pressing problem...i chose illliteracy...members countered by quoting data abt domination of biharis in civils and top corporate houses...i managed to politely defend my stand by citing stats and my counter arguments...

issues between Bihar and Nepal...and not India-Nepal in general..

discuss water management in india...what are the governmental programmes in this field....then the member quoted the poor per capita availability of water in India and said abt the futility of our worryin abt juz water mgt and not augmenting the supply...he asked me to comment again on the topic in the light of that statement..upon me replying to the query he asked me to then give a solution from a technologist point of view

ur views on inter caste marriage..den on inter relig marr..if a man (relig a) marries a woman (relig b) wat wud b relig of child ?..sum more grilling on the topic.

few funny moments

1. chairman: gentlemen we have our version of abhishek bacchan sitting in front of us !! :)

2. this chap is a converted veggie...and he is cool with intercaste marriage..seems like he wud b eyeing a veggie gal in;)

3.the chairman stopped one mem 4m repeatin a question thrice and indicated he was satisfied wid my reply !

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