Sunday, May 10, 2009

IAS 2008 Interview Transcripts #16

My interview experience

My interview was on 17th forenoon session and i was the first candidate.
heres the detail that i am able to recall.........

CM :# Which service you are in? (I am in IRPS 07 Batch)
# Then he asked some general questions about my posting (that is not yet), training (at Railway Staff College, Vadodara but presently GMP Course is going on at IIM Lucknow).
# What are the major areas in which NPL(National Physical Laboratory) is related to? (I have worked for four years in this research organisation.)
# What is Bratten-woods agreement. what are those organisations formed after this agreement.
# He has also asked few questions on historical aspects as I am History graduate and my first optional is History.

M1 :# He have given me a situation and asked to find out the reason (that i was not able to do)
# What is lateral thinking?
# What is lateral entry and is their any plan of lateral entry in government?
# What may be the positive and nagative aspects of this step?
# What should government do on this matter?
# Why Civil Service is called Steal Frame? (I haven't proper answer)
# What are the recommendations of IInd ARC on the civil service reforms?

M2(F)# What would you like to do other than studies and daily routione?
# Which are those places you have visited?
# Where did you travel very recently and what is the importance of this journey?(It was Bhopal and sorroundings...Sanchi, Vidisha, Panchmarhi...on the day of Sanchi visit, mains result was declared)
# Your most memorable journey (Rameshwaram) and what are those memories?
# What are benefits of travelling, tell your own experience?
# In which sports other than Badminton (my hobby) you have interest?
# Some examples of terrorist activities in sports.
# What is Bio-mass? Is the development regading bio fuel policy of the government is sufficient?

M3 :# You have participated in NIC, what is it?
# What are the challenges before national integration? What is the root cause of it, and how the national integration can be promoted?
# If you are a D.M. in a district of M.P.(although i am from BIHAR), what will you do for promotion of national integration?
# What are the functions and hierarchy of Personnel Department in Indian Railways?
# As a personnel officer what would you do for better performance of your department?
# What are problems of Indian Railways although there is very big discussion on achievemnts/turnaround?
# You have played a role of Shivraj Patil in University Mock Parliament, what are the different role of Mr. Patil in Our Country?
# Do you read economic news, tell some latest news?

M4 :# May i call you Raman or Raaman? (He was from S.I.)
# Tell me the top 3 cadres of your choice where you would like to work. (Bihar, Rajasthan, Orrisa). What are the specific reasons?
# What are 2 major problems in Orrisa?
# Why there is problem of food security and water availability in Orrisa although there is abundent water available?
# There was some discussion on the issue of that school child who was beaten by teacher and later died?
# What is your opinion, how a very aggresive child can be controlled if not beaten?
# Are you completely against this type of punishment?

CM : O.K. Raman, your interview is over.....

It was lasted for 37 minutes, i think it was o.k.o.k., there were some questions where i could have reply better, i was also not able to reply on that situation based it seems, i was not at the level of best, but i was confident....n....whatever i can say.
One last thing i must say, the Board was very cordial, encouraging.......
Lets see what would be the outcome....till than GOOD LUCK to ALL.

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