Sunday, May 10, 2009

IAS 2006 Interview Transcripts #25

26. Simardeep Singh (Tough Interview)


Hey peeps,

My interview was on 17th april in chokila mam's board.

Optionals: Geog & Psycho.

B.E.(Comp Sc.)

I am posting some of the ques that I can recall...

M-1: (chokila mam)

Why did u leave your job in C-DoT?

Have you heard abt NPT.

What is it??

Has india signed NPT?

Why hasn't india signed NPT?

We all have heard abt the 1st green revolution, do u have any idea what is this 2nd green revolution?

M-2: (a lady member)

Tell me something abt mechanisation. Why is there less mechanisation in india?

How can u increase mechanisation in the country?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of mechanisation?

So u think full-fledged mechanisation is possible in a country like india?

Do u think that mechanisation will have a negative impact on employment generation?

Since there have been so many rural youth you have been coming over to the urban areas in search of employment etc, what efforts can u do in order to keep them in the rural areas only i.e. how can u provide adequate employment opportunities to them in rural areas only?

How do u visualise punjab in the coming years?


First of all he asked me abt my height(in a lighter vein)

i said 6'4''.

Then again in a lighter vein he said that "People who are short like me have to look up to you" (then the whole board started smiling including me).

Then he said,"Now I will also talk abt a tall indian - not in the physical sense but in a metaphorical sense - abt mahatma gandhi. Do you think that he made any contribution to the country? Speak something on this."

Now, pick an Indian leader of your choice who you think can be as tall as mahatma gandhi?

Suppose u r a Cultural Secretary and u have to assign some topics for elocution to be presented in front of school and college children. Give me any 6 topics that u will decide upon.

M-4: (a prof. likely frm field)

What do u know abt parallel processing?

((Any idea of a parallel processing computer of india?

How does this supercomputer compare with the others in the world?))

Where can parallel processing be used?

Where it cannot be used?

What are its uses in nuclear field?(he led me to the answer by dropping a hint,"Do u know why US does not conduct nuclear tests" then i recalled the concept of simulation and the use of parallel processors)

What are its uses in space technology?

What is quantum computing? (and then abt quantum mechanics etc when i cud not answer, then again he led me to the answer)

M-5:(99% he was a psychologist)

He gave me a sheet of paper on which were listed arnd 14 qualities that a civil servant shud possess. He asked me to read out those qualities aloud so that each of the members can hear them.

He asked me to single out a quality that u tink s the most imp. of these.

Then he asked me to add a couple of more qualities that were not present in the list.

Then the final question, do u think that if a person is learned and very good in studies and if he does not possess good ethics and value education that he can be a good civil servant?

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