Sunday, May 10, 2009

IAS 2006 Interview Transcripts #26

7. Rohan

Mumbai, Engg. backgnd

CHokila Iyer Board

9th April - AN session - Last to go in

Rohan: godd afternoon M'am and sirs

CI: Good afternoon, sit down.

R: Thanks

CI: So u have done Electronics Engineering? why the services

R: Yes, I have always been interested in joining the sevices. i have had a childhoodfascination for being a diplomat.

CI: I see u want to do IFS. HMM.

R: Yes, To use the clichéd term – I want to lie abroad for my country.

CI: I must warn you, life isnt as much fun. It can get lonely. Keep moving from place to place.

R: I guess, I’ll make friends as I go along.

CI: SO you have mentioned u have received the Homi Bhabha award. What is it about

R: It involves test, practical and then interview. I cleared all, so I got it.

CI: oh so no research involved?

R: no mam just the exam, interview etc.

CI: Ok, so tell me who is Homi bhabha.

R: father of Indian atomic research. TIFR, BARC etc etc

CI: Good, and that brings us to IAEA.

R. gave full form

CI: And India us nuclear deal

R:Explained, said good that it is signed.

CI: Is it signed?

R: Well, inked when bush came to India, but still in the us senate. Issues of 123, hyde etc

R; what is 123?

R:blankish look on face!!!

CI: bilateral ties.

R: ofcourse

Member1: what are benefitsof the deal?

R: mentioned 2 or 3

M1: and whatc an be negatives?

R: said abt us hegemonsitic, one sided etc etc

M1: so, u have unique hobby of motorcycle maintience?

R: yes, I tinker around with my bikes on weekends

M1: which u have?

R: Honda dio, bro has bullet. We bought rajdoot bobbylast week

M1: 3 bikes? So ur m.s.dhoni

R: not really, I love bikes. All are 2nd hand though. Bought by self!(little proud of too)

M1: laffs, which is no.1 manufacturer of bike?

R: India

M1: which company?

R: Hero Honda.

M1: 2nd?R: I guess bajaj

M1: and which country is no.2?

R: japan?

M1: no.

R: sorry, I am not sure then.

M2: since ifs and foreign affairs, tell me about iraq situation

R: I explained the approx. sit.

M2: whats indias take on it?

R: little bit I knew I said, no troops committed. Watchin carefully. Against ahsty execution of saddam.

M2: and what u think abt America in roaq?

R: said pro and con

M2: what about Vietnam, can iraq become as bad?

R: I surely hope not! But double edged sword. So cant really say.

M2: smiled a bit.

M3: ever heard of technical papers and wrote any?

R: not really.

M3: whats a citatation index?I m sure u wouldn’t know – its gotta do with tech papers.

R: not really sir.

M3: u received NTS award.who offers it?

R: flustered. Said sumthing abt dept of personnel, training etc

m3: shook head. Says NCERT

R: oh yes, sorry. NCERT

M4: where did u work?

R:sify, tidel park

M4: wat kind of facilites govt gives /w companies

R: tax holidays and reserved space etc. no0t sure I was.

M4: what is stpi?

R: software ttech park of India

M4: that I kknow, what facilities govt gives?

R: tax holidays etc

M4: that brings us to sez.whats the new policy?

R: it came out 2 days ago. I recollect it a bit. Gave 2 –3 points such as now state govt. not responsible. Repatriation etc etc. sketchy I was.

M4: whats the limit for software sez on lower side?

R:10 acres, or hectares. Cant recollect!!

M3: what is more?

R: hectare, I m confused abt details. Lil fear obvious

M4: and % of development?

R:I think 25% before now 50%.

M4: u keep saying implementer, the term is developer, the private guy.

R: I am sorry, the name slipped my mind.

M4: smiles.

R: sheepish look.

CI: thank you. My best wishes are with you.

R: exits.

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