Sunday, May 10, 2009

IAS 2006 Interview Transcripts #27

28. Neha


interview- k paul roy's board


1. both ur parents are doctors and u urself are a doctor, why the shift?

2.why MBBS?

3.what is spicmacay, ur role as the student representative of spic macay?

4.what kind of music do u listen to? u listen to western classical? (i said no)

6. who was mozart? what country?

7.have u seen sound of music? (i said no)

8. similarity between mozart and sound of music?

9.current problem of indian economy?

10. causes of inflation?

11. why increase interest rates to control it?

12. why make sectors like real estate, construction suffer to control inflation?

13. ideal rate of inflation for india?

14. what is overheating of economy?

M1: to control pop growth in india?

2.what method is best- forceful, incentives, disincentives?

3.would disincentives not impinge on right to equality? to empower women?

5.relevance of saarc?

6. role of india as a big brother in south asia?


1. why do u want to leave serving ppl for power?

2. what attracts u about civil services?

3.problems of an administrator?

4.ur experience of a govt office? process of getting license made

5 why govt offices are inefficient?

6. does govt not project its positive image?

7. is media unfair to govt?


1.what is creative writing?

2.poor, illiterate in india have more children than affluent, educated and every one has one wd india be ruled by idiots soon? have the discoveries and inventions in med sci changed the face of med sci?

4. is gene therapy available in govt hospitals in india?

5. father of genetics? what country?


1.recommendations of student union elections committee? to reduce violence in college elections?

3.1 min for n against women reservation?

4.why the arbitrary figure of 33%?

5.what is the procedure followed in america?

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