Sunday, May 10, 2009

IAS 2006 Interview Transcripts #30

31. Samrat Rahi


30th April 2007 at 9.00 AM My interview was scheduled….After all the paper started at 12.20 PM …It was Suvir Dutta's Board!

SD:You are from Bilaspur…

Me:No Sir My parents are from Bilaspur…Right Now they are in Ambikapur!

SD:where it is?

Me:Near to Bilaspur!

SD:You are from Delhi College Of Engg..


SD:What was Your subject…

Me:Computer Science

SD:Whats Computer Science..?

Me: Its Science of Computation with the help of computer system!

SD: You were In IBM global Services…What U were doing there…

Me: Sir I was in Testing Depts. was writing and reviewing the test cases done by Test lead.

SD:I am not able to understand ..Please make it simple!

Me: Sir in software …there is coding and testing…suppose as our client was US-HSBC so the software is very similar to ICICI bank use here… So for that coding is done and after that in testing we check the codes are right or not…

SD:How do u check them..?

Me:logically or with help of software..

SD: When Chattisgarh was created…

Me: 1st Nov 2000

SD: The other states that were created on same time..

Me: Jharkhand and Uttrakhand then Uttranchal…

SD: At present the demand is for???

Me: Harit Pradesh..telangana..Vidarbha…

SD: Whats the reson behind telangana..

Me: I m not sure but I feel…the utilization of resourses...farmer's problem…lack of infrastructure

SD: On what basis a state should be made…

Me: If there are adequate resourses to run the govt..

SD: what is Executive Accountability..

Me: I am not getting you sir;

SD: Executive is accountable to…?

Me: Parliament

SD: legislative is accountable to..

Me: People of India..


Me: Becoz people chose them…

SD: Judiciary is accountable to-

Me: Constitution ..

SD: Constitution is just a book…

Me: there are various laws and legislation specified for working of judiciary…

SD: If judiciary is not accountable to then…

Me: there is provision for check and balance…

SD: what is difference between economic growth and development..

Me: Sir, economic growth is related to GDP where as development is a broader aspects than economics…In India these days the economic growth is only concentrated to metros and big cities and large part of population is deprived of it….

SD: How development can be measured..

Me: Sir,…Quality of life….Human Development index..

SD: So u know about human development index…

SD: You are working in IBM global services..

Me: No sir I left it..

SD: when did u leave..

Me: Sir Around 15th October 2006

SD: So u have one year of job experience..

SD: Right now where r u n what u r doing?

Me: Sir I m in my native town..and I m Reading literature…writing poetries..

SD: after leaving job what u were doing…

Me: I came to delhi for mains preparation..

SD: why Delhi?

Me: Sir the place where I live is a remote area and news papers n magazine reach there after a day or two for eg. HINDU

SD:your graduation subject is not there in UPSC optionals ?

Me: No Sir…

SD: Why did u choose political science?

Me: Sir I was interested in nationals and international affairs …n being a student of science …I was not knowing much about government and how our political system is running that a civil servant should know!

1st Member:U r interested in cricket…

Me: yes Sir

1st Member:Y did India lose in world cup?

Me: Sir So many reasons are responsible for that..Mental Strength,Team-Co-ordination and also the poor performance of players…And I think Cricket is an unpredicatable and loss are two aspects of game…So only one match played a decisive role that was of India-Bangladesh..becoz India-Srilanka was a 50-50 game !

1st Member:: So you don't give credit to Bangladesh…

Me: Ofcourse Sir …Bangladesh played well n v played bad…

1st Member:Don't u think physical fitness is also a reason…

Me: yes Sir ..

1st Member: Name 5 players who should not be in the team on the basis of physical fitness..

Me: Sir…Sachin Tendulkar…Saurav Ganguly…Zaheer Khan…and if we consider form and fitness both virendra sehwag should also be not there and anil kumble..

1st Member: What about Irfan Pathan…

Me: Yes Sir…But I feel a lot of cricket is left in him …

1st Member: Some time back Zaheer khan had poor physical fitness …but after a year when he came back …he improved a lot …so this should be done with Irfan Pathan should also ..

Me: Yes sir…

1st Member: what should be done to improve Indian cricket…

Me: Selection procedure should be more transparent and talents should be explored from rural areas…village level cricketers should represent state ..then national players should be selected....regionalism is also should be removed!

1st Member: Don't you think there are two many teams playing in Ranji Trophy?

Me: yes Sir..In Australia there are only six teams …we should reduce the no of teams ..

1st Member: U write poetries…So what kind of poetries u write..

Me: Sir I write poetries that relate to emotions and sensibility of the people..

I also write on social issues like …female exploitation and poverty..

1st member: How can u sense the sensibility of people at such a young age..

Me: Sir I started writing when I was in 9th-10th and I was aware of the isssues in my surrounding…when I came to delhi in 2001 I saw the two diverse form of life is existing one side there is ansal plaza where the best form of life is life available and on the other side there is long queue of beggars ..where the life at its horrible form is present there!

1st Member:Do U watch movies on similar subjects..

Me: Sir..I watch movies that emotionally or intellectually satisfy me.

1st member: Any movie on social issue have seen last..

Me : Sir Traffic Signal ….it was on the problem of beggars..

1st Member:: Have u seen water?

Me: Yes Sir…

1st Member:What kind of movie this is…

Me: Sir …movie intellectually satisfies me…it is on the problems of widows and their exploitation ..

1st member: the issue is very relevant…

Me: yes sir …it depicts the problems of past …

1st Member: No ..actually media don't show these things these days…

1st Member: Have u seen NAMESAKE..

Me:Yes Sir..

1st Member:Who is the author of it?

Me: Jhumpa Lahiri…

1st Member:Have u seen Veer-zara..

Me: Yes Sir..

1st Member:What kind of movie is this..

Me: Its basically an emotional drama..

1st Member:Its light movie?

Me: Yes creates larger than life pictures..

1st Member: It has some melodious songs!

Me: Yes Sir…

1st Member:Do you hear songs also..

Me: Yes Sir..

1st Member:In radio?

Me: No sirr…

1st Member:In TV?

Me: No Sir…Actually v don't have access to these!

1st Member:there are so many new things in radio..Vividh bharti has also FM..Dont u hear?

Me: No Sir..

1st Member: You were part of any NGO also?

Me: No Sir but at school level we took part in activities like tree plantation!

2nd Member:Your second preference is IFS why?

Me: Sir My one of the subject is political science and I m interested in diplomatic things and foreign affairs…

2nd Member:As a DM of a district in bihar what will be ur priorties?

Me: Sir First of all I'll try to understand the need and resources of the area..then I'll try to understand the expectations of people there..I 'll not attach myself personally or emotionally to the issues…I'll work according to the rules or guidelines or constitution …I'll try for the development of the area!

2nd Member:Your subject is international relations..

Me: No sir…Political Sciene

2nd Member: yes Political science and international relations..

2nd Member: Name one of the India's closet ally n most bitter ally..

Me: Sir…the need of the hour is US but if we see the history of the foeign affairs its Russia!( He didn't give me the time for bitter ally)

2nd Member:Who is the author of magna-carta of Indian foreign affairs?

2nd Member:The book is not on foreign affairs ..a major part of the book deals with foreign affairs..

Me: Artha-Shashtra..

2nd Member:Who wrote it…kautilya or chankaya?

Me: Both are the name of same person!

2nd Member: same person?

Me: Yes..Kautilya ,Chankaya and Vishnugupta are the name of same person!

3rd Member:(She was a lady and by mistake at first I called her Sir)

3rd Member:You have done your schooling from Holy cross English medium school?

Me: No ma'm Holy Cross Convent School!

3rd Member: Yes…So your education was in English medium then Why u opted hindi medium for this examination?

Me: Ma'm My primary education was in Hindi Medium and to express my internal feelings ……..and hidden things ..I feel Hindi more comfortable!

3rd Member: U were Cultural Sec…what kind of events you were participating..

Me: Poetry, essay, elocutions, debate…various form of dances..and some skits also; basically I was engaged in organizing events…

3rd Member: What kind of events?

Me: Same Events….

3rd Member: When u were graduating who was the VC of DU?

Me: (After a thought ) Deepak Parikh.

3rd Member : Deepak Parikh?

Me: No ma'm Deepak pental!

3rd Member…He is current VC…who was in 2005?

Me: Sorry ma'm I don't know!

3rd Member: Mr.Nayyar!Do u know what he is?

Me: No ma'm I don't know!

3rd member: He is an economist!

4TH member: U are a software engineer.. what u were doing in testing/what is testing?

Me: Sir In testing we were checking the errors in coding!

4TH member:What are the parts of any project..

Me: Sir Coding ,maintainance and testing!

4TH member :what is software maintainance?

Me: Sir for the smooth running of SW it needed!

( He added so many ifs n buts n asked one more term related to SW I said sorry sir)

4TH member:Whats Software reliability n software validity?

Me: Sir I don't know the terms exactly but I can interpret acc to the terms..

4TH member : yes..

Me: Sir Software validity is the expiry time of the software after which it needs some modifications or improvement to sustain with existing new technology…and software reliability is whether it is performing the task for which it is meant!

4TH member: Ok to some extent……right..

4TH member: How can IT be useful in governance?

Me: Sir, in the formulation and implementation of govt policies IT can be helpful to reach people and to satisfy their requirements…in bringing transparency..speedy assessment of files and in removing red-tapisim it can be powerful tool! To bring inclusive growth and to remove corruption it can also help!

4th Member : how can u help as software engineer?

Me: Sir in improving the quality in software –hardware purchase and with my knowledge I can implement new thing in improving the quality of life!

J There were so many pause ….sentence were fractured and in all the questions were I was having 1 percent doubt I added…Sir I m not sure…but I feel/think……………..

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