Sunday, May 10, 2009

IAS 2006 Interview Transcripts #32

33. Remya (CSPUBAD)

3rd May, Afternoon session(contd)

optionals: Public Administraiton, English Literature


Hobbies:Free lance journalism on womens issues, Writing English Poetry

I was the third to be interviewed in the afternoon..

Board: Bhure Lal

C’Person: Welcome,Remya, Sit Down.

Me: Thank You Sir

C’person: So you are an MBA?

Me:Yes, Sir

C’person: Are you working now?

Me: No, sir I am self-employed.

CP: I see, what do you do?

Me: I run an online business.

CP: Oh, do tell me about it

Me: (Explained the details)

CP: I really need to learn about these online things. Can I join you? (Laughs)

Me: definitely Sir.

CP: So, Remya, your Optional is Public Administration, tell me about the 73rd and 74th amendment acts.

Me: I explain

CP: You say you write on womens issues as a free lance journalist. What are the provisions in these acts for women?

CP:Speaking of reservation for women, what is your stand on the issue?

Me: I am personally against it(explained my reasons)

CP:do not let the ladies hear you(laughs)

CP:So ,if not reservation, then what else can empower women, how would you go about it?

I explained a three-pronged systematic approach for the same.

CP: What are the three categories of the ration system?

Me: APL, BPL and I do not recollect the 3rd, sir

CP: It is antyodaya…do you know what antyodaya means?

Me: The poorest of the poor

CP:explains the term in detail.So what in your view can be done is a state like Punjab which is very different from a place like yours(kerala) .

Me: I explained the low sex ratio in Punjab, causes of the same and ways to tackle it.

CP:Is kerala self-sufficient in food grains?

Me: No, kerala is a consumerist state, food grains are grown only on a small scale.The main crops of kerala are cash crops like cashew, rubber,pepper etc.

M1:Who is the president of India?

How is the president elected?

What value do the votes of the MP’s/MLA’s of different states have in the presidential election?

Does the value of the vote of an MLA from UP and Kerala have the same weightage?

How can the president be impeached?

How is the vice-president elected?

M2: Kerala is so forward on most indices of human development, but there are temples where women are not allowed,why?

I spoke about the problems at sabarimala, where recently a controversy erupted on the issue.

What kind of music does Mr.Yesudas sing?classical or Hindustani?

Why do Christians in kerala have a grudge against him?

M3: name 3 women leaders of the world.

I named ellen Johnson sirleaf, Portia simpson miller and Helen Clarke

M3: what about women in our neighbourhood?

I names Khaleda Zia

M3:the developing world has had so many women leaders.why is it that a powerhouse such as the USA doesn’t have a president yet?sociological reasons?

M3:there is a view that prostitution must be legalized.what is your view?

I mentioned that I had written many articles in the media regarding the topic and I was against legalization.i mentioned the failure of the experiment in Sweden and reasons for the same.

M3:What is the reason for high unemployment is kerala? How would you tacke it as a govt official?

M4: What are the indiced of underdevelopment? What is HDI?components of HDI? He explained the additional aspects of underdevelopment to me.

M4:What are the qualities you would look for in your subordinate as an officer?

I mentioned two qualities:sensitivity to needs of beneficiary and efficiency

M4: suppose you have two subordinates: one efficient and corrupt, other inefficient and honest, wich one would you keep and why?If you had to deal with both, then how would you do it?

CM: ok, Remya.I hope you are not planning to become a politician…

Me: Not at the moment, sir..

Everybody laughs..

CM: You will make a very good leader…

Me: Thank You sir…

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