Sunday, May 10, 2009

IAS 2008 Interview Transcripts #1


my interview


wht r the problems of ur city........

wht is the problem of ur village.........i said water........

hw wil u solve it.......

1st member

which buk u read recently.....

which international news u hv been following/.........

2nd mem

wht is swajaldhara as a scheme......(i mentioned it earlier)

under which ministry it is

do UN hv a concept like world water day........

why it is?.......


wht r the steps u cn tk to solvethe prob of water.......

wht is rain water harvesting......blahblahblah related to tht.......kept on asking for 5 mins.......

4thwht is ur role as administrator.......

hw do u tackle corrupn..........


wht is professionalism

do civil servant need it

in my hobbies yoga and sudoku and game volleyball very simple questions

wht is the height of net in volleyball

when do u play sudoku

wht do u do in yoga

whn do u get up

wht r the challenges india facing except security.....

wht wil u do for cntry

question related to history of my locality....

nd lot more which all i dont remember

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