Sunday, May 10, 2009

IAS 2008 Interview Transcripts #3


Board : Mrs. Talha Madam.

Interview lasted about 30 mins... there were 5 members as usual....

PT : So your hobby is reading short stories by Munshi Premchand. Why do you read only short stories and not novels???

Me : I find his short stories very interesting and never get enough of it despite reading over and over again. Some stories i have read probably dozons of times and they still facinate me. Anyway I'll read the novels as well when i get some free time.

PT : Can u name some novels written by Munshi Premchand???

Me : Nirmala, Godan.

PT : Sarat Chandra was a contemprory of Premchand and we see many movies based on his novels like devdas. Why don't we see any movie based on munshi Premchand's novel??

Me : Madam there is a movie by the name of MAZDOOR made on premchand's story.

PT : (Stopping me as I was still speaking) Yes, but not any famous movie like devdas.

Me : Yse madam You are right. Probably the reason behind this is that Sarat Chandra's novels usually cater to the high and affluent class where as munshi premchand's stories are more related with grass root,poverty, sufferings and probably for this reason film makers find sarat's novel more appealing for filming into a movie than premchand's. Besides that even I fail to understand why Premchand's great novels have not been recreated as movies.

After that rest of the interview was confined only and only to merchant navy (my job) and T.S. Chanakya (my graduation).

I hoped I could tell u more but there was no other general questions. There were 3 merchant navy expert members in the board, who asked me all sort of questions which are not of anybody's relevence.

The interview was totally profession based. They were trying to suggest me that I am not liking merchant navy and trying to quit, but i toatlly defended my profession and said I have no reservations against merchant navy, I am very happy being a part of it and enjoying it. It's not the push of merchant navy but it is the pull of civil services that is behind me peusuing civil services as a career.

There were many general questions related to merchant navy, my curriculum, safety, piracy, shipping routes, my work etc. and there were also a couple of techinical questions. One mamber was thorughly familiar with my graduation insittute to the extent of it's location. I guess he was an alumini.

My advise : If you are working prepare your job very well. 99.99% of ur interview will be based on that only..

All the best to all aspirants.....

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